Case Studies

Defra � Voltage optimisation project (�powerPerfector�)
As part of its Carbon Management Programme, the Built Environment Sustainability Team (BEST) � Defra Estates, researched innovative technologies which had the potential to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions within the Defra Network.

The Government Carbon Offsetting Fund (GCOF)
The UK has developed a Government Carbon Offsetting Fund (GCOF)to offset emissions arising from official and ministerial air travel from April 2006.

MoJ (DCA) � Videoconferencing
As part of the Defra led �Act on CO2� campaign, the Ministry of Justice identified increased usage of video conferencing as a measure which can positively influence individual behaviour, save staff time and cut travel budgets, and reduce carbon emissions.

MOD approach to sustainable procurement
Following publication of the Sustainable Procurement Task Force�s National Action Plan(NAP)in June 2006, the MOD produced a Sustainable Procurement Delivery Plan.

Food waste composting at Communities and Local Government (CLG) and Government Office for London
A food waste composting scheme was launched at Communities and Local Government�s two main London buildings � Ashdown House and Eland House, as well as at Government Office for London�s Riverwalk House, in January 2006.

FC � Forest school for dis-engaged teenagers � the Wyre Forest
Forest School has been happening in the Wyre Forest for the past five years, during which time we have done some significant work with young people who are dis-engaged at school, either because of social and behavioural issues or because they have very low confidence and self-esteem.